Skyloop Cloud is AWS Advanced Tier Services Partner and specialized in Amazon QuickSight with certified professionals.

What is Amazon QuickSight?

Built for the cloud in Amazon Web Services, Amazon QuickSight is a business intelligence solution that uses machine learning. It enables businesses to make more informed decisions based on data.

With the help of the Amazon QuickSight BI tool, companies can see data, analyse it, and derive simple insights that can be used to guide business decisions. These dynamic dashboards can be easily integrated into a variety of programmes, websites, and portals.

Due to its scalability, Amazon QuickSight can accommodate thousands of users without the need for additional infrastructure management or capacity planning.

Why Amazon QuickSight?

Businesses can access and explore deeper information using Amazon QuickSight in an engaging visual environment. Users can query their data using natural language with QuickSight Q, which enables natural language querying. Teams working on BI won't need to pre-build data models for particular data sources. Thanks to its built-in lexicon and feedback mechanism, Q gets better the more users use it.

Whoever needs them, including those without data science expertise, may understand these insights because the BI platform explains them in straightforward terms. Through capabilities like anomaly detection or forecasting, users may also predict outcomes.


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Istanbul, 34394


+1 518 861 3922

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